



Revised: March 5, 2017

BYLAW 1 - Membership


  • A member shall be:


  1. Any family member with the North Edmonton Lacrosse Club (“the club”).
  2. Any non-parent coach, assistant coach, manager or board member who has general membership in Sportzsoft
  3. Excluding any player that has requested and been granted a release by the GELC


  • Resignation


Any members wishing to withdraw may do so upon written notice to the Board of Directors


  • Expulsion and Suspension


Any member who does not conduct himself or herself in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Canadian Lacrosse Association, the Alberta Lacrosse Association, the Greater Edmonton Lacrosse Council or the Club may have their membership suspended and upon two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors, revoked.




The membership fee shall be the registration fee for a lacrosse player, such a fee being determined by the North Edmonton Wizards Lacrosse Club Board of Directors before each new lacrosse year.




3.1 Annual Meeting


The Club shall hold an annual general meeting of the members on or before the 15th of June each year, for which at least 30 days’ notice will be given to all members via email and letter distributed by coaches to families actively involved. An announcement will also be placed on the Club’s website homepage. At this meeting there shall be an election of the Board of Directors as stated in Bylaw 4.6(d).


3.2 Board of Directors Meetings


Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held as often as may be required, but at least once per month during the box lacrosse season, with a minimum of five per year and shall be called by the President.





3.3 Special Meetings


Special meetings of the Club may be called at any time by the Secretary upon the instructions of the President or Board of Directors, by notice to the members at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. The notice will be posted on the Club’s homepage and will state the place, date, time and topic of the Special Meeting. A special meeting shall be called by the President or Secretary upon receipt by him or her a petition signed by one-third of the members in good standing setting forth the reasons for calling such meeting, which shall be by notice to the members at least two weeks prior to the meeting, except that specified in the notice.


3.4 Quorum


A Quorum shall be 10 voting members in person or by proxy at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting.


3.5 Voting


In the case of family membership, as specified in Article 1, voting rights are restricted to parents or guardians who have a general membership with a maximum of two votes per family. Other members as specified in Article 1, have one vote each. Members may vote by proxy. All proxy votes must be received by the Secretary by email or in writing no less than 72 hours prior to the Annual General Meeting. All proxy votes will be verified by a committee made up of the registrar, secretary and two other members.




4.1 Affairs and Business


The Board of Directors shall, subject to the Bylaws or directions given by majority vote at any meeting of the members properly called and constituted, have full control and management of the affairs of the Club. The Board of Directors shall serve without remuneration.


Members of the Board of Directors and other committee members are eligible to coach or manage Club teams while holding office.


4.2 Board Composition


  1. The Board of Directors shall consist of: President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Director, Registrar, Merchandising Director, Communications Director, Fundraising Director, Coaching Director, Facilities and Scheduling Director, and Age Group Directors (Mini Tyke, Tyke, Novice, PeeWee, Bantam, and Midget, Junior Manager).
  2. Executive committee are all non-voting and shall consist of all age group directors


4.3 Resignation


A Director may resign from office by giving notice in writing to the Secretary of the Board.



4.4 Removal


The Board may, by two-thirds (2/3) vote of 11, remove a Board of Director who is in the opinion of the Board has been or is being remiss or neglectful of duty of by conduct which impairs his/her performance as a Director/Officer. The President will be responsible to inform the officer of their expulsion from office.


4.5 Minutes


The minutes of the Board shall include motions considered, and reports received, and shall be distributed to the Board of Directors as soon as possible and in any event before the next meeting.


4.6 Terms


  1. Elections for President, Treasurer and Equipment Director, will occur on even years and be held for a two-year term alternating with Vice President, Registrar and Secretary positions which will occur on odd years. The remaining Board positions, with the exception of the Past President, shall be held annually.
  2. No President may serve more than three consecutive terms of two years each. In the event of the President being unable to perform his duties, the Past President will assume the position for the balance of the term. In the event a Past President cannot assume the position, the Board of Directors may fill the position in accordance with 4.6 (c) and 4.6 (e). An addition of one, two year term may be granted if no qualified candidate is put forward.
  3. To qualify for election as President a candidate must have served on the Board of Directors in a previous term, but not longer than 10 years prior.
  4. Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected from the general membership at the Annual General Meeting.
  5. The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill by appointment any office or vacancy which may occur between Annual General Meetings or as a result of the failure of an Annual General Meeting to elect a full Board of Directors.
  6. The Board of Directors shall have the power to adopt or amend policy, guidelines, Procedures or Regulations at a regular or special meeting, which shall be binding on all Club members.




5.1 President:

  • Will be responsible for general administration of the Club operations.
  • Will act as a Club signing authority.
  • Will preside at all meetings.
  • Will exercise the powers of the Board of Directors in case of emergency.
  • In an emergency, suspend teams, players, Coaches, Managers or any official subject to review by a discipline committee,
  • Will serve on all committees as an ex-officio voting member.
  • Will liaise directly with the community organizations.
  • Will serve on the Discipline Committee.
  • Will attend or appoint designate to attend at the ALA, GELC or RMLL meetings.
  • Will be the deciding vote in case of a tie.

5.2 Past President:

  • Will assume the position of President for the balance of the term, should the current President be unable to continue the role for the duration of the term.
  • Shall be requested by the President to complete items that the current Executive Committee does not have the capacity to complete.


5.3 Vice President:

  • Will report to the President.
  • Will chair meetings in the President’s absence.
  • Will perform other duties as designated by the President.
  • Will have signing authority.
  • Will oversee the Junior Program.


5.4 Secretary:

  • Will attend all Executive Committee meetings and shall maintain accurate minutes of same.
  • Will have charge of all Executive Records, including but not limited to emails, letters, minutes and certifications.
  • Will maintain and update Bylaws as required.
  • Will be responsible for all Board of Directors correspondence.
  • Will perform other duties as designated by the President.
  • Will work with Registrar to verify proxy votes
  • Will report to the President.


5.5 Treasurer:

  • Will be signing authority along with the President,
  • Will have charge of all Board of Directors’ financial records.
  • Will present an annual statement of all operations.
  • Will serve on the purchasing committee.
  • Will serve on the budgeting committee.
  • Will pick up all mail from Clubs registered office (PO Box).
  • Will perform other duties as designated by the President.
  • Will report to the president.
  • Will require 2 signatures on all cheques.


5.6 Equipment Manager:

  • Will chair the purchasing committee.
  • Will monitor, record and maintain club equipment.
  • Will serve on budget committee.
  • Will perform other duties as designated by the President.
  • Will report to the Treasurer.
  • Will organize dates for pick up and drop off of equipment.
  • Will send damaged equipment for repair.
  • Will send all equipment for sanitation at the end of the season.


5.7 Registrar:

  • Will be responsible for registration of players, coaches, managers and other team personnel.
  • Will chair the registration committee.
  • Will perform other duties as designated by the President.
  • Will report to the President.
  • Will book venues for registration events.
  • Will work with the Treasurer to ensure payments are applied to member registrations.
  • Will work with the Coaching Director, Evaluators and Age Category Directors to determine team assignments and coaching staff.


5.8 Merchandising Director:

  • Will coordinate and organize the sale of Club merchandise at club activities and events such as registration and team picture day.
  • Will manage and update the Clubs online store.
  • Will seek approval for the ordering of new merchandise items.
  • Will submit items to the treasurer for the annual budget process.
  • Will arrange for distribution of game shorts and merchandise and team pictures.


5.9 Communications Director:

  • Will be responsible to promote Club specific activities and meetings according to timelines set out by the board.
  • Will maintain Clubs website.
  • Will distribute regular communication bulletins to the members via email.
  • Will submit items to the treasurer for the annual budget.
  • Will update and maintain the Clubs social media accounts.


5.10 Fundraising Director:

  • Will coordinate and organize Club fundraising events.
  • Will seek approval of new fundraising activities at the officer meetings.
  • Will submit items to the treasurer for the annual budget.
  • Will chair the volunteer coordinating committee.
  • Will coordinate volunteers.


5.11 Coaching Director:

  • Will coordinate coaching volunteers and ensure they have the necessary certification prior to the start of the season.
  • Will register volunteer coaches for certification upon approval at a board meeting.
  • Will organize evaluators prior to evaluations.
  • Wil chair the selection committee with evaluators and provide the information to the registrar.
  • Provide a list of coaches with their contact information and certification number to the registrar at the start of the season.


5.12 Facilities and Scheduling Director:

  • Will act as a liaison with the GELC in respect to floor times and league games.
  • Will prepare the schedule for all Club team practices and send out through the Directors to the individual coaches.
  • Will ensure the Director of Coaching passes on the necessary waiver forms to teams for use of facilities.
  • Will book venues necessary for off season clinics.
  • Will coordinate floor time for the AGM, if required.
  • Will submit items to the treasurer for the annual budget.
  • Will arrange and coordinate team pictures.


5.13 Age Group Directors: (None Voting)


  1. Mini Tyke
  2. Tyke
  3. Novice
  4. PeeWee
  5. Bantam
  6. Midget
  • Will be work with the coaching director and evaluations to pick teams
  • Will send out team lists to coaches
  • Will check in and out all platers for evaluations
  • Will be required to attend board meetings but are none voting
  • Will be appointed prior to start of the season
  • Each age group director serves for a term of one year
  • Be the liaison between the membership and the Executive Committee




The Board of Directors or a Committee thereof may create committees or subcommittees including a nominating committee and such committees may consist of members or non-members of the Executive Committee.




7.1 Discipline


The Club has the authority to discipline any player, team official, team follower, parent or member. The Board of Directors shall ensure that written policy or regulations exist with respect to the discipline process which ensures that each disciplinary incident is:

  1. Dealt with by a committee of not less than three members of the Board of Directors/
  2. Fairness and consistency is maintained.


7.2 Code of Conduct (GELC)


All persons, Members, Players, Coaches, Managers, Trainers, officials shall:

  1. Attempt at all times to work toward the goals and objectives of the North Edmonton Wizards Lacrosse Club and the game of lacrosse, and towards the betterment of its members;
  2. Strive to heighten the image and dignity of the Club and the sport of lacrosse as a whole, and to refrain from behavior which may discredit or embarrass the Club or the game;
  • Always be courteous and objective when dealing with other members;
  1. Except when made through proper channels, refrain from unfavorable criticism of other members or representatives of the Club;
  2. Strive to achieve excellence in the sport while supporting the concepts of Fair Play and a Drug-Free sport;
  3. Show respect for the cultural, social and political values of all participants in the game of lacrosse.




Every Director who has, directly or indirectly, any interest in any contract or transaction to which the Club is or is to be a party, other than a contact or transaction limited solely to his remuneration as a Director, shall declare his interest in such contract or transaction at a meeting of the Directors and shall at the time disclose the nature and extent of such interest.




For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the Club may borrow or raise or secure payment of money in such manner as it thinks fit, and in particular by the issue of debentures, but this power shall be exercised only under the authority of the Club, and in no case shall debentures be issued without the sanction of a special resolution of the Club.




The books, accounts and records of the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be reviewed once each year by a duty qualified accountant and/or by two members of the Club. A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such reviewer at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. December 31 shall be the end of the fiscal year of the Club.

Upon written request submitted to the Club Secretary, members have the right to request an inspection of the Clubs finances and books.




All persons, Members, lacrosse teams, players, coaches, managers, trainers and officials, shall be prohibited from bringing and matter before the law courts of any jurisdiction before all rights and remedies as provided by the Bylaws, Policies, Regulations and Rules of the Club, GELC, ALA and the CLA have been exhausted. Further, any such resources to the law courts shall be deemed to be conduct enabling the President to suspend and/or disqualify the said persons pursuant to Bylaw 51 (d) or (e).




These bylaws may be rescinded, altered or added to by a Special Resolution at any General Meeting or Special Meeting of the Club of which no less than 21 days’ notice specifying the intention to proposed the resolution has been duly given, and by the vote not less than 73% of those members who, if entitled to do so, vote in person or by proxy.





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Apr. 08, 2025

GELC Bingo
13403 Fort Rd NW

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May. 23, 2025

GELC Bingo
13403 Fort Rd NW

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